After our night of stormy and hellish waters, within a couple of hours of the sun coming up, the water was calm as a lake and the sun was shining again.
We were even able to move about freely without being tossed all over. Hooray! So for the last couple of hours, I squeezed in some more sun tanning on deck, looking finally at land on the horizon, before we anchored in Cartagena.
It was a miracle, but we had made it through and no one on the boat was seasick at all (I think the captain was secretly hoping the storm would beat us)!
But the storm had taken it's toll on the boat and the main sail was completely ripped to shreds.
I left the boat covered head to toe in bruises, but with a very good story to tell!
P.s. Check out the photo of the first boat we saw pulling into the harbour... A full on pirate ship and confirmed we were definitely in Colombia!!