Tuesday, 20 March 2012

4 Day Hangover and Another Emotional Goodbye

When we woke up on Tuesday, post Carnaval blues had truly kicked in and so did our built up 4-5 day hangovers. It felt like the aftermath of a festival!

We all knew today was the day to part ways and we didn't want to talk about our last few hours together, especially in our fragile states.

We began packing our backpacks and it felt like a break up when we realised we had to start splitting all of the stuff we had bought together! Once this was all sorted, we left Ayampe with heavy hearts on our last bus journey together...

In Puerto Lopez (where we had to change buses), we all hung around at the bus stop trying to fight our way through locals to figure out the bank holiday buses. With lots of people telling us different things, we eventually sorted our separate routes. I was headed to Guayaquil to stay for 1 night before catching a bus across the border into Peru.

My bus was leaving pretty imminently, so it was a rushed goodbye on my part as I had to run to make sure I made it. It was probably a good thing as we didn't have time to get too sad... Well until I was on the bus anyway!

When I spoke to the girls later, it seemed we were all in the same boat and sobbed on our separate bus journeys!

This was also the day I had to say goodbye to my red boyfriend cardigan (sorry mum!) as the launderette ruined it to the point of no return.

A sad day all round!
