So this day was just comedy value from start to finish....!
First of all I got up at 3.15am for the 2nd day in a row for a 4am bus to cross the border.
9 hours later at 1pm I was still waiting with the bus eventually turning up at about 1.30pm...I like the relaxed attitude over here but that was slightly too relaxed!
So we eventually set off on the supposed 6 hour drive to Copan just across the border.
The journey took forever, with loads of accidents and the bus driver seemed to want to be part of it all, as he was crazy!
There were some particularly hairy moments when we realised that the border crossing may close at 7pm and we were about 40 miles away at 6.50pm!
Then to top it all off - we got a flat tyre about 5 miles from the border! So after standing roadside for what seemed like forever and changing the spare tyre (I played no part in this!) we were on our way again but it was by now wayyyy after 7pm!
Luckily when we got to the border the driver managed to get us across without having to wait until morning - phew!!
Definitely the most hectic bus trip so far...!