Saturday, 5 November 2011

Yaxchilán & Bonampak

Another MEGA long day followed with a to visit some more ruins right in the heart of the jungle and it was an early start at 6am. OH GOD!

Started at Yaxchilán - which is set right alongside a croc infested river, where one side of the river you are in Mexico and on the other Guetemala - pretty crazy!

After a 50 minute crossing to get to the ruins themselves we arrived and it was insane! The ruins are huge and covered in moss because of the climate. There are so many underground tunnels to explore with bats everywhere....needless to say I explored about 2 minutes got scared and spent the rest of the time outside!

Outside was pretty amazing too with great jungle wildlife and loads of monkeys just swinging about.

We then went to Bonampak which are much less impressive in structure but still have original painting inside from about 600AD... They were all painted by hand and the colours where made using only flowers and bugs. These Mayan fellas where pretty resourceful!
