Friday, 17 February 2012


When we arrived in Medellin, (after an epic bus ride with amazing views) it was boiling hot, but we wandered around town for quite a while looking for a hostel that had space for the 4 of us. It was Australia day so everywhere was pretty busy with drunk Ozzies!

We ended up at an amazing hostel with a roof terrace, a proper fully fitted nice clean kitchen, hot water and a hot tub. It was pure luxury after the desert! And actually after most of Central America where we could barely find a luke warm shower.

So after showering, doing some laundry (it had been over 2 weeks with no clean underwear), we all felt human again and prepared for a night on the town with a carton of rum - standard!

We met a really funny group of guys at the hostel who referred to themselves as 'The Druncles' and us as 'The Draunties' (drunk uncles & aunties!) and we ended up spending a lot of our time in Medellin with them, living up to the names!

So on our first night in Medellin, we all went to a couple of bars then regressed back to our 15 year old days and drank in a local park. All in all, it was a pretty funny night!
