On our first night in Minca we ventured down the hill from our hostel (which in the dark along a steep, rocky path, was quite challenging!) to a tiny little family restaurant that had been recommended to us, where they had only 2 tables set up in their back garden.
The food was all home cooked and was absolutely amazing, I ate the mango & chicken pasta 2 days in a row as it was so delicious!
Anyway... The little family were super cute and so was their house, which they had built themselves, complete with round door and spiral staircase!
After chatting with them for a while after dinner, we all decided that we wanted to be part of the family and be adopted!
As luck would have it, the very next day, the family drove past us en route to one of the waterfalls and offered us a lift and we became part of their family day out!
The granny Rosa was the loveliest lady ever and was pointing out trees for herbal remedies and flowers (in Spanish) all the way along the walk to both us and the little girl. She even invited us to go and stay on her farm so she could teach us more and we could practice our Spanish!