Friday, 10 February 2012

Playa del Pilón

One perk of going into the desert wilderness was that there are some completely untouched places and scenery.

We decided to go and check out Playa del Pilón which is know for being a beach with vivid orange sand.

So we headed out on a 3km walk to get there through the desert with no landmarks and only wide open space, cactus, sand & goats.

The walk was completely worth it though as we arrived at the most amazing beach ever and the sand was pure orange - sounds cheesy but it just seemed so magical!

Luckily, for the journey home, we managed to hitch hike a ride saving us from the sweltering heat of the desert walk! The ride was just as safe as ever as most of the local men were smashed and the kids were using full cartons of gasoline as chairs and stools! Gotta love Colombia....
